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Foundations of Change: 30 or 60 Minute Weekly Coaching

  • 53 etapas
Obtenha um certificado ao concluir o programa.
Quem concluir todas as etapas receberá um selo.


In Professional Organizing, every client requires something different, and you have to stretch your mind to figure out how organizing solutions will work for your client. It can be said that organizing tangible things may be easier compared to organizing life because organizing life, schedules, beliefs, goals, and passions take more time, effort, and quiet time with yourself to sort through. This course takes much of the guesswork out of bringing organization to your life in a very personal and effective way. This will be an exploration of yourself that may be challenging and fulfilling. The work you will do in this course is a compilation of tools that I have used in my work with clients and for myself. The intent is for you to commit to learning, understanding, and organizing yourself in an invaluable way to your growth and how you see yourself as you move through changes in your life.

Você também pode participar desse programa pelo app mobile. Vá para o app


2 planos disponíveis, A partir de US$ 120,00/mês

Discussão do grupo

Esse programa está conectado a um grupo. Você será adicionado assim que você se juntar ao programa.

Foundations of Change Community

Foundations of Change Community

Privado3 membros


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